Vitalina Kuzmenko

Software Engineer

Hello! I’m Vitalina Kuzmenko, a dedicated software engineer and problem solver based in London, UK.

I have a passion for all things technology and design, from Front-End to Back-End.

I've successfully completed an intensive 12-month course at CodeYourFuture, which has provided me with a solid foundation in Full Stack Development.

A standout was my internship at Hoxton Farms, where I created Microscopy Image Visualization Software. It provided an invaluable opportunity to deepen my knowledge in TypeScript, React, CSS, Jest, and Pixi.js, while exploring diverse software aspects like image processing, UI design, and performance optimization.

When I’m not at the computer, you'll find me engrossed in books 📚, working up a sweat at the gym 💪 or hanging out with my husband and our fabulous hairless cat 🐱(he's my little coding buddy).

If you're searching for a dedicated and enthusiastic team member with practical experience in software development, then I am well-prepared to be a valuable addition to your team.

Feel free to connect—I'd love to discuss how I can contribute to your projects.